New reviews of «Music For Your Ritual» have been added on press page
New album - "Music For Your Ritual". This selection of compositions, recorded between 1993 and 2021, is considered as an accompanying soundscape for rituals and ritual cults. Chek out here
The album "Maithuna with BBW" author dedicates this album to 12 best girls he met in 2019. Check out here
The album "The Dark Hits of Eastern Europe" is made of hits composed during 1991 - 2018. Check it out here
New live show by Necro Stellar in the Day of Anastasia's Birth! The 13 of June, Moscow. Details
The new band member - drummer Konstantin Fedotov.
Konstantin was a member of such famouse Russian bands as Ole Lukoye, Legion, Mafia, Vitaly Utesov and other legendary pop projects, which Konstantin doesn't want to mention about.
Unusual live performance by Necro Stellar! The 6th of March in Moscow club "Dozhd-Major" More information >>
The 8th of Fab. in moscow club "Dozhd-Major" Necro stellar will perform lve! More information >>
New music video!
The 22 of November - Live show of Necro Strellar in Moscow >>>
Yuri Zvesdniy's biographycal details have been published (russian language) Read >>>.
The new patches are available now!
These patches are made of black cloth and metallized thread. There are two kinds of patches. You can issue an order by email – necrostellar()
The first kind with cat costs - 9$, the one with amperemeter– 8$.
The concert presentation of new NECRO STELLAR music video "Singular Circular" will be the 17 of October 2013 in Moscow club "Rock House". The official comunity of the meeting.
New drummer of Necro Stellar band - Aleksey Kirpichenkov.
Played with such artists and bands like Vadim Kazachenkov, Gorod 312, Kambaly and others.
The new guitarist of the band - Dmitry Konakov (DKay).
The video presentation of new song “Sun, Laughter, Wind and Sand”.
NECRO STELLAR have participated on INSPIRATION:ZEN music compilation with “Has become distance” composition.
New Off-Line interview with the band, taken by fans autumn 2012.
Read >>>
New official music video "Has become distance" from "The Expanding Universe 1988-2008" album. The composition was written in 1993 and recorded in 2008. The video contains fragments of documentary film "The sequence limit", captured on VHS camera by Yuri Zvesdniy in 2001.
Director – Anastasia Podnebesnaya.
Pictures taken by Roman Kar and Aleksandra in former Soviet pioneer camp "Yasnaia gorka" ("The Clear Hill") district in 2012 October 11.
Follow the link >>>
New interview of for june issue of Rock Oracle magazine has published the new interview of Necro Stellar in its june issue and "Armageddon 2012" track on its CD compilation. >>> (Russian language)
The new videointerview of Necro Stellar for Dies Irae'Zine!
The new 80 minute album of Necro Stellar – “The Primary Aspiration 1991-2011” with the second worldwide tribute (bonus cd with remixes and covers) was released the 5th of June 2012 – the day when Venus planet passed right in front of the sun )). You can order the album via the official site of Shadowplay label or via our site with signatures of the musicians.
The songs from "The Primary Aspiration 1991-2011" album are now available on "Rock radio Atrika".
The complex review of new music video «The Resistance Ring» by different music reviewers and dj’s is available on music service. The reviews will be updated in process of addition.
All official music videos of Necro Stellar are now available to watch on Jivoe TV.
You can also listen to new songs from the upcoming album of the band on Svobodniy Uzel radiostation.
The new interview (russian language) with NECRO STELLAR by STAHLMUSIK Russian industrial community. The musicians tell about their first music works during the period of dark 90th, capturing music video “The Resistance Ring”, and other interesting things. Read >>>
The new band member – Maksim Sveshnikov.
Born 1974.10.28.
Religious sights – Rastafari movement
Political views – anarchist.
The member of the band since 2012.03.02. – Drums and percussion for studio and live shows.
New music video "The Resistance Ring". The page of the video >>>
Use "720p HD" option for better quality.
Use "CC" subtitles to translate the lirycs.
The New Year present from NECRO STELLAR - unofficial video of "Armageddon 2012" song with english subtitles. The song will be released in the upcoming album.
The new live tour in support of the new album and the tribute will be managed by Sergey Korotaev from SCC Promotion.
Follow the updates.
Well known underground musician, participant of Hypnoz and Der Golem projects – Mitya Zubov has recently passed away. You can read the LJ post of Yuri Zvezdniy’s memories about this man here>>>
New album “Primary aspiration 1991-2011” including both new and retro material of 1991-1994 will be released in December as double CD edition of the album and the tribute. The tribute will involve 17 bands all over the world to represent their view of Necro Stellar’s creativity.
1. Cisninitum (RU) – The white little ship.
2. Contagious Orgasm (JP) – Mata Luna.
3. Hybryds (BE) – Psychedelic method of comprehending of impossible dreams.
4. Proyecto Mirage (ES) – Pulsing Zero.
5. Moon Far Away (RU) – The end of world’s history.
6. The Pulsar (RU) - ?
7. Keef Baker (UK) – Only Moon
8. Majdanek Waltz (RU) – Horned herdsman.
9. Sleetgrout (RU) – Space inversion, the constantly burning light.
10. Stormtrooper (GE) – Space inversion, the constantly burning light.
11. Jana Dark (RU/GE) – Alphabet of Bryle.
12. Stillife (RU) – I see the white light.
13. Sector 516 (RU) – The white little ship.
14. Àíñàìáëü Õðèñòà Ñïàñèòåëÿ è Ìàòü Ñûðà Çåìëÿ (RU) – The resistant ring.
15. Majdanek Waltz (RU) – The forest road.
16. PN-X-TG (GE) – Pulsing Zero.
17. Combat Astronomy (US) – The spring can not be stopped...
18. Neutral (RU) – Overgrave Immortality.
The recently released album of Cisfinitum band – "Seelected", containing remix of Necro Stellar’s song – "Satelline of Satan" is available now.
New pictures of the band members and video model Polina Sofronova taken during capturing music video "The resistance ring" in districts of Sortavala and Lahdenpohja towns of Karelia 5-14 of July 2011. Next>>>
The band has stopped relations with manager Michael Barykin. All issues, order requests and other please send on necrostellar()
New Official page of NECRO STELLAR on
Pictures of live show in St.Petersburg 2011.03.18 taken by Viktor Stefan have been placed in the Gallery >>>
The preparation for the second new international tribute of NECRO STELLAR has already began.
The edition is planned to be released in autumn 2011. This project will involve 15 selected bands. The band is gathering the remxied material.
Follow the updates on the site.
New music video "Spider-Consumer. The song for simple and usual people."
Famous Russian musical critic Artemiy Troitskiy has presented the band’s video "Laughter of children toys" in his TV program.
Watch here>>>
The new music video "Pauk-Obivatel" will be available soon. The song was written in 1994 and rerecorded in 2010.
Now we present you pictures taken during capturing of some episodes of the video. The band members shown on the pictures: Anastasia Podnebesnaya, Yuri Zvezdniy, Mikhail Barikin.
Pictures taken by: Anastasia Podnebesnaya, Yuri Zvezdniy.
The new review by Dark City magazine of "The Expanding Universe 1988-2008" album has been placed on press page.
New video of NECRO STELLAR - "Laughter of children's toys" is available now.
Click here to watch >>>
Read about the moment of creating the song, lyrics and the list of used equipment on Yuri Zvezdniy's official LJ
New pictures taken by photographer Sergey Slusarenko have been placed in gallery. The page includes pictures from the recent band's live show and photo session taken this spring.
New pictures taken by Roman Kar have been placed in Gallery.
Check here>>>
The new interview with the band in Rock Orackle magazine is out now. Read it
here >>> (Russian ver.)
The next album of the pioneers of Russian industrial music - NECRO STELLAR!
The new album “The Expanding Universe 1988-2008” was released on Shadowplay label 23 of December 2009. As follows from the name – the album includes Russian-speaking songs composed during the period from 1988 to 2008.
The album is supported with the first forty-minute part (the first of four) documentary «Time hurries to live!» about the history and activity of NECRO STELLAR band. The film mentions acute social problems, examines the spiritual situation of time, the psychology of nations and studies phenomenon of modern bourgeois consumption society. The pedagogical and educational purposes of development and change of modern dissolute, glamour youth are put. All 4 series of the film will be released as DVD with English subtitles on Shadowplay label.
The available version is in Russian language. the page of the release Watch the documentary order the album with autographs of the band members shadowplay label
Check out the stills from the first part of two hour new movie “Time hurries to live” about the history and current activity of the band. The first part – “History” will be released very soon. It will be used as the promo of the new album (which is already printed! And soon will be announced). All 4 parts will be released on DVD in double DVD box and the rest of the edition – in jewel case format. Enjoy watching >>>
The new art photos by Anastasia Podnebesnaya prepared specially for the booklet of new album “The Expanding Universe 1988-2008” and the press release, have been placed in the gallery >>>
The interview with NECRO STELLAR has been published in the new issue of russian magazine - Rockcor.
Check out >>>
NECRO STELLAR took part on Spanish compilation Veterinarios del Refrigerador V.2 released by Tetra Brik Records. The band used song “The 7 Rays of Da Kapa Preta” from "Saturating Cemetry" album. Check out >>>
Two new reviews by English music reviewer Mick Mercer and Byelorussian webzine "Machinist" are available here on the press page.
New pictures of NECRO STELLAR’s live show in Moscow 2009.04.30 taken by Anastasia Pronina have been placed here >>>
The pictures of NECRO STELLAR'S live show 2009.04.25 in Kirov city have been placed in Gallery - Concerts
The pictures taken by Roman Kar 2009.04.19 during preparing the movie about NECRO STELLAR have been placed in the gallery.
The Italian radio program dedicated to NECRO STELLAR, will be on 30th april, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm on
The new review of "Red Beast" album by has been published on the press page.
The new interview taken by is available here>>>
The review of "Saturating Cemetery/Dissaturating Stellar Space" album by Side-line internet magazine has been published on the press page.
The new album “Red Beast” has been released on Shadowplay Records! Follow the link for details
The album is also available in our web store with autographs of the band members.
1. The retro pictures of Yuri Zvezdniy in 1993-1994 have been published here>>>.
2. The materials of the recent photo session dated the 3, Jan 09 have also been added here>>> & here>>>.
07.02.09 The last three news!
1. Dissaturating Stellar space – the re-release and the tribute of Saturating Cemetery album edition, which was released May 2008, is totally sold out. BUT... =)) the band has signed the contract of printing in addition. So, those who failed to buy it will have chance again. The first 50 copies will as usually be available to be bought in our web store with autographs of the band members.
2. The band have signed the contract of participation on the 3rd part label’s compilation - “Colors of black”. The first part included “mange les morts” composition, the second - “Only Moon”, the third will include “43 sunsets” written in 1996 and recorded in 2008 especially for “The Expanding Universe” album.
3. The band has signed the contract of “Red Beast” album release. The album will be released in the early March. The first 50 copies will as usually be available to be bought in our web store with autographs of the band members. The rest of the edition will be available on the mail-order of the label or in the stores of your city.
24.01.09 To the concert makers!
All issues about NECRO STELLAR’s concerts making are managed by Dmitry Belishev (RITUAL DANCE Promotion - Booking & Promotion Agency). Technical and Service rider sends by your request.
ICQ: 275988345 e-mail: dj_rozz(...)
Dear fans!
Do you expect NECRO STELLAR to come and perform in your city? Don’t be pacific! Ask local concert makers (or art-managers of local clubs) to organize concerts and the band will come in your city.
Send all business offers concerning the concerts organization to the manager of the band – Dmitry Belishev. The contacts are given above.
Yuri Zvezdniy has answered the interview prepared by Netherlands journal and Israeli Vulgart web-zine Promotion and Booking. You can get acquainted with it here>>>
New pictures taken by Roman Kar have been placed in the gallery.
Polish internet magazine Dark Planet has written the review of Saturating Cemetery album.
As previously announced, the first DWA's Japanese Edition of NECRO STELLAR's 'Pulsing Zero 1995-1997' album (DWA-806) come in a set comprising 6-panel digipak, 8-panel folding insert, 4-panel gatefold Japanese liner notes insert and obi.
You can issue an order on DWA label
All-new bonus tracks for this release come in the shape of exclusive remixes from DWA artists DEMONOID 13 and DESPAIR: plus Avex signings
Raveman's pounding take on 'Tachyon Spiral' is already becoming a club classic in Japan - check out his 'Tachyon Spiral - AURAL VAMPIRE remix' here!
There are wide renovation of the Gallery page with the new pictures taken during the recording period of the album ”The Expanding Universe 1988-2008” and capturing the movie about the history of the band. One more section is devoted to the works of Roman Kar taking part in frameworks of the movie as a photographer.
Attention of fans!
The 13 of December is scheduled as the date of re-release of Pulsing Zero (1995-1997) album on Japanese label - Death Watch Asia. The bonus section of the album includes 3 remixes of NECRO STELLAR made by Japanese bands:
Red Beast – Remixed by DESPAIR
Tachyon Spiral – Remixed by AURAL VAMPIRE
Only Moon – Remixed by DEMONOID 13
The album will be released in digi pack format with new design.
The web site has been added the new REMIXES page. The given page will contain artists which make remixes and covers for NECRO STELLAR. The page will be systematically updating.
On insistent requests of the band’s fans we have placed materials taken from Yuri Zvezdniy’s track audio sequencer which were released on German compilations Vaws Volume 5 and Free Tibet Free
We offer your attention the newest exclusive interview with Yuri Zvezdniy taken by
Check it out
We offer your attention the newest interview with the band's leader Yuri Zvezdniy taken by Rock Oracle magazine
Check it out
After assorting the live video archive numbering more than 50 Hb. of
information, with the purpose of use the fragments of live performances within the frameworks of the movie about history and creative activity of NECRO STELLAR, the site manager has placed the fragments of the live performances of NECRO STELLAR on
There are live versions of well-known and unknown songs. The page will replenish as soon as possible. Beside videos of the late period you can see early performances of 1997-1998, 2000s. Rare video recordings of 1996 and also rehearsals of 1995-1997 will be used within the frameworks of the movie. Watch and leave your comments on Use function “watch in high quality” for the high quality viewing.
The new review by Ïîäçåìêà web-zine has been placed on White Tranquility page.
New fotos dated 7th May 2008 have been placed in Gallery section.
The world tribute to NECRO STELLAR was released 15 May 2008. The double disk is the re-release of “Saturating Cemetery” album containing “Tachyon Spiral” graphic video in its bonus section. The second disk “DISSATURATING STELLAR SPACE” consists of remixes and cover versions by the most interesting bands from all over the world. The album is available in musical stores or you can order it on the web site of Shadowplay label. It is also possible to get the album with real autographs by NECRO STELLAR band members in the internet store of the web site. Send the request to the band’s administrator to make the order.
1. Fuck the Red 1 [(Red Beast) Trance version] Rmx by ASTRALASIA (UK)
2. Only Moon. Rmx by STEINKIND (Ger)
3. Sweetness of pain (Sweetness) Rmx by ENDRAUM (Ger)
4. Red Beast. (Hard times… ) Rmx by ROPPONGI ING. PROJECT (Rus)
5. Fuck the Red 2 [(Red Beast) Dub version] Rmx by ASTRALASIA (UK)
6. N. I. L. (Enail. part 1. On the River) Rmx by THE SECT (USA)
7. Only Moon. Rmx by HYPNOSKULL (Belg)
8. Equation of Autumn Equinox. (Toad DJ mash up) Rmx by ASTRALASIA (UK)
9. Only Moon. Rmx by NEIKKA RPM (USA)
10. Novena Rmx by MIND: AREA (Ger)
11. Red Beast. Cover by XEBOX (Ger)
12. Mata Luna. Rmx by SIGILLUM S (It)
13. Red Beast. Rmx by BLEIBURG (Ger)
14. Satellite of Satan. Rmx by CISFINITUM (Rus)
15. Tachyon Spiral. Cover by ULTRA MILKMAIDS (Fr)
NECRO STELLAR took part in German charitable web compilation in support of independence of Tibet. All benefits from sales will be given to the activists struggling for independence of Tibet.
NECRO STELLAR have signed the contract with German label Vaws Records of participation on their compilation “Vaws Vol.5”.
The pictures of the band, taken during recording of the new "Expanding Universe" album, have been placed on Gallery page.
NECRO STELLAR's "Pulsing Zero" and "Over Grave Immortality" track has been released in the new cd issue of "Stereo & Video" magazine.
The new review of Necro Stellar band by American "Carpe Nocturne" internet magazine has been placed on
Press page.
The new exclusive interview with Yuri Zvezdniy taken by one or communities of LiveJournal has been placed
Necro Stellar have confirmed the list of bands involved in the tribute album. The album is going to be released this spring by Shadowplay label. The tribute named «Dissaturating Stellar Space» will contain 15 tracks.
1. Fuck the Red 1 [(Red Beast) Trance version] Rmx by ASTRALASIA (UK)
2. Only Moon Rmx by STEINKIND (Ger)
3. Sweetness of pain (Sweetness) Rmx by ENDRAUM (Ger)
4. Red Beast (Hard times… ) Rmx by ROPPONGI ING. PROJECT (Rus)
5. Fuck the Red 2 [(Red Beast) Dub version] Rmx by ASTRALASIA (UK)
6. N. I. L. (Enail. part 1. On the River) Rmx by THE SECT (USA)
7. Only Moon Rmx by HYPNOSKULL (Belg)
8. Equation of Autumn Equinox (Toad DJ mash up) Rmx by ASTRALASIA (UK)
9. Only Moon Rmx by NEIKKA RPM (USA)
10. Novena Rmx by MIND: AREA (Ger)
11. Red Beast Rmx by XEBOX (Ger)
12. Mata Luna Rmx by SIGILLUM S (It)
13. Red Beast Rmx by BLEIBURG (Ger)
14. Satellite of Satan Rmx by CISFINITUM (Rus)
15. Tachyon Spiral Rmx by ULTRA MILKMAIDS (Fr)
You can listen the preview of the trebute on
Last FM
The new interview with Necro Stellar by the German Gothica magazine has been placed
NECRO STELLAR by means of Shadowplay label have signed a contract with À1 channel to present the new “Only Moon” video.
The new review by Dark City internet magazine has been placed on White Tranquility page.
For all fans of NECRO STELLAR! Welcome to the new fan community of NECRO STELLAR. Thanks to White Cyanide for creating it.
The new "Only moon" video by NECRO STELLAR has been placed on Video page.
The new album reviews by Metal Library and Tri-Tone internet magazine have been placed on White Tranquility page.
All fans of NECRO STELLAR will be able to watch the new video of Only Moon song in the nearest future. You can now watch the screen-shots of the video on our Video page.
The new off-line interview with NECRO STELLAR has been placed in Interview section. You can find it here.
The new "Tachyon Spiral" video by NECRO STELLAR has been placed on Video page.
To all fans of ringtones!
NECRO STELLAR, by means of Shadowplay label have signed the contract with "Mobility" company ( ) to sale the ringtones of NECRO STELLAR officially . Buy the ringtones of NECRO STELLAR and remain with us!
The pictures for the new "Tachyon Spiral" video have been placed in Gallery section.
You can find them
NECRO STELLAR have answered a monthly questioning and questionnaire by ukrainian "Gothica" magazine. You can find it
We represent your attention the new interview with band's leader, author and composer - Yuri Zvezdniy, published in the new issue of R.I.P. magazine. You will find it
NECRO STELLAR's “Only Moon” track has been released in the new cd issue of "Mobi" magazine.
Another interview with NECRO STELLAR has been published in the newest issue of the Rockcor magazine. In this interview Yuri Zvezdniy – band’s leader and composer tells us about the new “White Tranquility” album, about the motives which have induced the author to compose it, about Russian youth of nowadays, mp3 piracy, etc.
Soon you will find the digital version of this interview in our interview section.
According to an aesthetic reasons, not to jar on visual perception of visitors of the given resource, the unattractive image on the cover of the magazine has been retouched.
The new album of NECRO STELLAR "White Tranquility. Russian Album" has been already released May 9th 2007. This album is devoted to the memory of the all passed away within the Second World War. Look for detailes on musical page of the site.
The new Pulsing Zero album review by Gothland magazine has been placed here.
The new Pulsing Zero album review had been published in the recent issue of Elegyiberica magazine.
The concert devoted to celebration of 10-anniversary of Russian Gothic Project will take place in Moscow club "Tochka" on march 18.
CYCLOTIMIA (dark electronic), NECRO STELLAR (darkwave) and MAGIK BRITE (electro-industrial) will take part in celebration. There will also take part dj MadMax2, dj Negative, and dj Hellen.
You can read through the press release of NECRO STELLAR
We represent your attention the new interview with band's leader, author and composer - Yuri Zvezdniy, published in the ninth issue of Gothland magazine. You will find it
As a support to the educational article «Ëóííûé ñâåò â ïðîÿâëåíèÿõ òåíè», Yuri Zvezdniy has written the musical composition «Only Moon (version 2)» intending for ritual practices devoted to the Moon and to the awaykening of a body of shadow.
To listen and free download click
The new Pulsing Zero album review by Elegyiberica magazine has been placed here.
We represent your attention the new interview taken by the most known critic in area of schwarz stage - Mick Mercer. Interview was published in the new December issue of English magazine "The Mick". In this interview the band members and Anastasia Podnebesnaya tell about their new album “ Pulsing Zero ” and what is this album for them. As interested persons can find Yuri Zvezdniy's story about his work in transcendental school of new time SPIRALNIX, and also about his love to pets.
You will find it
The Stigmata records label has released the new international compilation «Khatin», dedicated to the victims of burnt down village during WW II.
NECRO STELLAR gave this compilation the exclusive track named «to Stay and Burn». Yuri Zvezdniy has also mastered this compilation.
The album contains 12 page booklet and 3 colorful postcards. The exclusive design is based on
the authentic pictures of Byelorussian State archive of cine-documents.
The participants:
Look for details in our musical section of the site.
The new Pulsing Zero album review by Feindesland magazine has been placed here.
Warning! In connection with the “White Tranquility” album release, the band members are overworked and forced to stop the Off-Line Interview function.
The "Saturating Cemetery" album is completely sold out. NECRO STELLAR have signed the new contract with releasing them label to print the rest of copies. Now everyone who wants or who has not had time to get this album earlier, can buy it in corresponding stores or to order by e-mail through the Shadowplay records
The off-line interview with NECRO STELLAR has been placed in Interview section. You can find it here.
Your questions for the next off-line interview send our administrator on
The new Pulsing Zero album review by Stigmata magazine has been placed here.
The new Pulsing Zero album reviews by Dark City and Rock Oracle magazines has been placed here.
The new issue of Rock Oracle magazine is out now. You can also find there the new interview with NECRO STELLAR.
Click here>>> to read.
The new issue of Ukrainian Gothica magazine is out now. You can find there the new interview with NECRO STELLAR.
Click here>>> to read.
Two new reviews of Only Moon song, which took place in Colours of Black v.2., are placed here>>>
The full interview version for Rock Oracul magazime has been preparing for publication. Also new off-line interview and reviews have been preparing too.
The new review by franch radiostation Radio Altitude has been placed in Pulsing Zero page.
The off-line interview with NECRO STELLAR has been placed in Interview section. You can find it here.
Your questions for the next off-line interview send our administrator on
25.08.06 The review by gothland magazine has been placed on our music page. You can find it here>>>.
20.07.06 We remind you, that your questions for off-line interview with NECRO STELLAR band you can send on mail . Do not send questions on mail of band members, there is mail of the manager of the site.
28.06.06 In the connection with "Pulsing Zero" album release, scheduled on the 4th of July, on our site
spiralnix.ruin "Ìóçûêà" section (Íîâåéøèå êîìïîçèöèè è ðåìèêñû îò/íà NECRO STELLAR) you can download the mp3 of "Lucifer Suddenly Rising" track. To familiarize go here>>>
In the new issue of Stigmata magazine was published the interview of NECRO
STELLAR. Look for the magazine in musical stores or get an order
18.06.06 Because of lot of email letters with questions receiving by NECRO
STELLAR, the administration of a site has decided to open special section - offline
interview, created specially for visitors of a site and all interested persons
who want to learn more about NECRO STELLAR. Your questions addressed
to band members, you can send on . Within a month
you can receive the answer to your question, together with questions of others
interested in creativity of band, in music section - offline
24.05.06 The second part of national collection Colours of Black mastered by Yuri Zvezdniy was published. Domestic writers have taken part in the collection from the most various places of Russia. As well as on the first part of the collection, the most part tracks - exclusive and never published material. Among other of this collection you can hear the newest track of NECRO STELLAR - Only Moon. To listen to the track, and familiarize with the accompanying information you can
17.05.06 In the "Music" section was added the review by Mick Mercer of two albums - coming out "Pulsing Zero" and the next relaese - "White Tranquility".
16.05.06 Soon the new album of NECRO STELLAR "Pulsing Zero" will go on sale. Make an order on Shadowplay
14.05.06 In the near future on site in section "Ìóçûêà" (Íîâåéøèå êîìïîçèöèè è ðåìèêñû îò/íà NECRO STELLAR) You will be able to familiarize with unique and exclusive composition of NECRO STELLAR - "To stand And burn", specially written for the anniversary collection of "Stigmata" magazine devoted to victims of Khatyn. Among the bands submitted on the collection also will participate:
14.05.06 on our new site in "Ìóçûêà" section (Íîâåéøèå êîìïîçèöèè è ðåìèêñû îò/íà NECRO STELLAR) the new tracks: remix by australian band ANGEL THEORY for NECRO STELLAR and remix by NECRO STELLAR for english band ATTRITION. You can download the mp3 and familiarize
with the brief summary.
13.05.06 The new interview of NECRO STELLAR for the G.O.T.H. magazine You can familiarize with the full version here>>>
05.05.06 In gallery section are added the new photos from a past concert on the 30 of April. Within the next few days the section will be updated.
15.04.06 On our new site SPIRALNIX in "Ìóçûêà" section (Íîâåéøèå êîìïîçèöèè è ðåìèêñû îò/íà NECRO STELLAR) are added remixes from Attrition, Angel Theory, Unwoman two songs from album Pulsing Zero. You can download the mp3 and familiarize
with the brief summary.
In connection with the new album "Pulsing Zero" release , the press release is added in section music / Pulsing Zero .
The newest not appearing anywhere earlier compositions of NECRO STELLAR are added on our new site SPIRALNIX in "music" section (the Newest compositions and remixes from / for NECRO STELLAR)
30.03.06 On the 30 of April in Moscow club " Tochka " another concert of NECRO STELLAR band will take place. The detailed information you will find on the site of organizers
The press release can be read here>>>
20.03.06 Attention! In the near future on our site SPIRALNIX you will be able to download the new tracks of NECRO STELLAR and rare compositions of 1993-1994 years.
Attention!!! The new site-project of Yuri Zvezdniy SPIRALNIX ( took start. We invite all of you to visit it.
You can take this banners and place them on your sites
01.02.06 The new photos from the recent concert of the 15th of January were placed in gallery section. The photos are presented by darkside.
22.12.05 The new photos are added in "gallery" section
In the near future in "gallery" section will be added the photos of NECRO STELLAR band members took by the known Moscow pictorialist Eisbrecher
“Saturating Cemetery” album is almost completely sold out. You can get the rest of copies in musical shops or to issue the order on Shadowplay label
NECRO STELLAR will buy or recieve as present an old soviet synthezators, effect processors, tape processing and lamp devices. You can leave your messages here >>>
The 15th of January 2006 in Moscow club "Tochka" Necro Stellar will perform their new program
In the early 2006 the label Shadowplay will present the new album of NECRO STELLAR - "Pulsing Zero".
The 31st of October 2005 the new NECRO STELLAR site took start!